March 11, 2012

Mangez, Mangez

Ekks... I've been neglecting my poor blog. It's been nuts busy at work and when I get home I don't want to even look at a keyboard. Waa...

Following up from the last post, after the race, all I did was eat... lots and lots. I deserved it after running 13 miles, no?

Before the race, the gang and I went out to dinner to this lovely restaurant right by the Galleries de Layfette. I don't know what it was called but it was really nice. We got there around 7 but by the time we were done, there was a queue around the corner. I had never seen anything like it!

I loaded up on pasta (not very French) and baguettes (C'est bon!). I also tried French escargot for the first time. The sauce was aMAZ-ing- garlicky, buttery and full of green stuff (pesto, maybe?).

Delicious Escargot- Eaten the night before the race 

The Gang 

After the race, my running buddy and I went and had our own private little celebration. The rest of our group actually went to watch the Irish/French rugby match. I had no desire to sit in the cold after the run- instead I stuffed my face with Steak Frites and red wine. YUM!

We met up with the gang again at an Irish pub to try and find the Irish rugby players. I had a pre gin and tonic stretch.

After a fun night out, we met up at a little cafe by the Eiffel Tower for some crepes and croissants for breakfast. The place was cute but VASTLY overpriced - seven euro for orange juice! Still we got to see the cutest French scene below. We were creepily watching this couple for a good 20 minutes. The guy was trying to strike up a conversation with this pretty lady. It was really cute to watch, and then he moved over to her table and started chatting with her.


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