August 12, 2013


That's me! I've been a total slacker with writing as there's so much to share that I get lazy  overwhelmed and don't share anything! Hopefully, I will be back in full force this week with the last remaining updates on our trip to Croatia and Montenegro (in July! slacker), updates and inspiration for the nursery (which is well on it's way to being finished) and just general Dublin summer living.

In the meantime, this weekend, we went to Croke park for the Hurling match (Cork vs. Dublin) and while I've been to Croke park for lots of Gaelic football matches, this was my first Hurling match. It was a fast, fun and exciting game. Fortunately, Cork won so hubby and I cheered for a good long time and even more fun, after the match we stopped for Vietnamese food. Good day all around!!

Pre- Match practice 

Opening Ceremony 

Congratulations to Cork! 


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