October 24, 2012


This past weekend, I found out that I'm not the only "American girl in Dublin" GASP! I know the shock of it.

So with that being said I think it's time for a shake up. I have been thinking about rebranding anyways because I'm no longer a "Fish out of water" girl living in a foreign city with an actual timeline of when I'll be back in the States. (Apparently, Bank of Ireland won't let me go back until I pay that mortgage off 28 years from now!)

While this blog was initially created to prevent me from writing the same email over and over to my friends about my new life in Dublin, it's transitioned into people, places and things that I love.

So stay tuned for a new name (It's hard to come up with something!)! x 


Unknown said...

Well, you have already prepared for this situation by calling the blog An American Girl in Dublin not The American Girl in Dublin.

Ly said...

Haha! You're sadly so right :) This re-branding is tough. Like naming a baby! x

Abby said...

Hey there! Michelle told me about your blog and I've been following now too! Just started one of my own (http://accidentalrealhousewifeofdublin.blogspot.ie/)... Yet another American girl in Dublin :) Looking forward to reading more!

Abby said...

Hi there! Michelle told me about your blog and I've starting following too! Just started one of my own (http://accidentalrealhousewifeofdublin.blogspot.ie/)... yet another American girl in Dublin :) Looking forward to reading more!

Imen McDonnell said...

Hi Ly, love your blog!! Can't believe I hadn't stumbled upon it before...my friend Clare is also an American living in Dublin....now married to an Irishman. She is from LA...you should meet! I live in the countryside with my farmer husband...we are prob not the most traditional of farmers however =) Will be popping in to your blog from now on, great stuff.
Imen x (http://www.marriedanirishfarmer.com)

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