January 24, 2012

Sunday Driver

To practice for our driving test (Yes, neither hubby nor I have our Irish driving licenses), we rented a car over the weekend.

The scary part of this whole experience for me - having hubby drive. In all the years that we've known each other, this is only the SECOND time, he's driven with me in the car. The first time, we were in Brighton Massachusetts, and he stalled at an incredibly busy intersection. How embarrassed was I? VERY!

This time around, we went automatic, but the whole time we were driving, I kept giving him directions (since I have 15 years experience compared to his 2 years) - "You're too close to the next car, ekks, slow down...it's a red light, stop." Relationship saved though as it was only in my head! :)

Do you trust me with your life?!!?
He's taking the test before me next month. I figured he could be the guinea pig before I signed up (plus I can't seem to find my permit!).


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