The Mendhi Party was the first of the wedding events. It was hosted at the bride’s house and was a get together for the girls to get our hands painted in preparation for the wedding. The boys were there as well and it was essentially a cookout (with Indian food, of course). It was lovely and followed by a night of Karaoke! BF and I scored 100 on our lovely rendition of Sweet Caroline.

The second event, the Sangeet, happened the next night. The Sangeet is a celebration of dance and song. It was very similar to a western style reception except that we had been taught some bollywood moves and so were able to showcase our “talent.” Because the groom is Irish, there was also some Irish jigging to be had. The night was really fun and ended with the boys singing Irish songs well into the night!

We had a day off to recover from the Sangeet and headed to Mamallapuram for the actual wedding. We were staying at a five star resort which was AMAZING! The wedding day was when we actually got to wear our saris and tunics.

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