Is it too early for this?
My new year's resolution for last year was to travel somewhere- Anywhere (!) each month, and it was a success. Below is my completed resolution (pending a Visa from India!)
January – Galway
February – London (Twice)
March – Prague
April – Morocco
May – London (Again!), Boston
June- Cork
July – Croatia
August - Croatia & Bosnia Herzegovina (Ok to be fair we were there for 45 minutes, but I did use the rest room AND shop in their markets- I think that counts!)
September – Scotland
October- Killarney and Cork
November- Boston
December – Cork and India
And since it was a fun resolution to have, I'm going to do it again for next year. I've actually already booked holidays for the first part of the year. This is what it's looking like so far for 2010.
January - India (still there!)
February - Barcelona and Zurich
March- New York
April - The Middle East (Israel, Jordan and Egypt)
Pretty good so far, right? Half of these are already booked - I still need to work on finding the flight to Zurich and confirming a date for New York. Can't wait for another fun year of traveling!
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