I spent my Christmas day with BF's family again this year, and as always it was lovely. Last year, I had only been in Ireland for a month and a half. I had dated the BF for 7 years and so thought I was very 'in' with the Irish accent. ER... not so much. I could understand Kieran's mom and sisters. His dad was difficult definitely but manageable. But then I met his Uncle Donie- HOLY HELL - Irish Cork Country accent. For the first 4 hours I understood 40% of what he was saying. I would just nod my head and laugh whenever everyone else laughed.
This year though, 100% improvements. Yeah me! I understood 95% of Uncle Donie's stories... and let me tell you, there is nothing more interesting then stories about the locals in a small Irish village!
This is what I have to look forward to next year. My tip is to lip read as well as listen, but as I'm sure you already know, this does not always bring success!! I better get some practice in before my Dublin move! :-)
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