My friend was going on a little European tour with her BF and since he was a fan of Man City, they decided to pop into Manchester, and we agreed to meet them. FUN!
We spent the Saturday walking and around the city, doing some shopping and just sightseeing (though there weren't that many sites). They were taking the train up from London and so we met them late Saturday afternoon for drinks at an outdoor beer fest. Then we headed to the infamous Curry Mile for dinner. It was delicious and strange as well since we felt like we were in back in India (but cleaner!).
The next day we headed to the Man City/Newcastle match. We had front row seats which was fab! Not so fab, five minutes in, a Newcastle player received a nasty tackle and broke his leg right in front of us only days after my sister broke hers playing soccer. It looked soooo painful! EKKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At the beer fest

Doing a celebratory dance with Carlos Tevez at the Man City game

Moonchester the Man City mascot from our front row seats

Me, Moonchester and Moonbeam, his girlfriend

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