January 3, 2012


I generally never do resolutions, but I love making lists so figured why the heck not this year.  I'm a generally optimistic person, so my resolutions are going to be positive-ish (someone's been going to yoga a bit too much?)

  • Eat more veggies and drink more water. The junk food in the office is overwhelming and I would like to be more healthy so I'm going to put this on the blog and hope by making it public, I'll actually follow it (as I eat a rice krispie chocolate treat- Doh!) 
  • Wear more clothes - I have this terrible shopping addiction. I was hoping that since there was no Jcrew in Ireland, I would hopefully control the amount of shopping. Incorrect. I'm hoping to reorganise the closet and wear more of the stuff that's sitting in the back.
  • Visit Belfast. Hubby and I have said this every year since we've moved here. Three years later, we've STILL not made it to the North. For shame! 
  • Get an Irish Driver's license- I stall at red lights and stop signs. So embarrassing considering I've been driving for 16 years. 

That's it! A nice and easy list that is definitely manageable. Hope you made some good resolutions. 


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